Your First Visit

IMPORTANT: Before your booking date, you need to register with the national governing body (Irish Sailing) who have a online passport / log book where your certificate is kept and can be printed from whenever you need it . Please fill in the form on (on the drop down list for “Organisation” please list Dun Laoghaire Powerboat School).

How To Find Us

Our building is the cottage on the West Pier ( Eircode A96 A7K7 )


If you have waterproof clothing that can take a splash or some rain, top and bottoms , bring your own or use ours we have all sizes available for you to use. Footwear Any old trainers is fine. Depending on the time of year its bring ! Hat and Gloves or Sun cream.

Life Jackets

We cant go on the water without ,we have one for you and will teach you how to use it and the different types available before you go ion the water and again if you have your own preferred jacket please do bring it along.

Daily Times

Day time courses : Our normal training day starts at 9.30 and stops for a hour lunch break or shorter and the day ends around 4.30 pm. 

Our Evening Courses: 7 pm until 10 pm Nightly



Bring a Lunch or go out for lunch our facilities here have a indoor lunch and Outdoor lunch area and Tea Coffee and microwave available . Lunch time is generally a hour unless the group you are in decides a shorter break.

Going out for lunch, just over the bridge beside us is a Circle K that sell sandwiches or next door to that is the Purdy Kitchen
that serve pub food .


During your training some classroom work will be covered on safety and chartwork.

Pen and paper is not needed as we have charts and chart type pens.

If you use glasses for tv viewing you might like to bring them with you.